Paws Of Vadodara
You see them daily, running here and there aimlessly, wagging their tails – they are usually on a constant lookout for something to eat. If they are lucky enough, rather than being shooed away with stones and pebbles that people usually throw at them, they might be offered some biscuits or bread. While many people tend to ignore the sufferings of these voiceless, blameless creatures, one person from Vadodara took it upon himself to feed our canine companions.
It was on 10th May, 2020 that team Happy Faces Vadodara along with Chirag Thakkar and his friends decided to start this initiative – Paws of Vadodara – to encourage more people to help uplift the living conditions of our canine friends. Having been working towards well-being of underprivileged children for years now, the 5th anniversary of Happy Faces Vadodara signified the perfect day to formally start this initiative. It was clear from beginning that animal rescue work would be too demanding and hectic, so, the team decided that they would go around the city and feed as many stray dogs as possible.
The Paws of Vadodara team started out with just a few people. Now being more feeders added we are feeding more than 250 paws, every night. The numbers are increasing every day, and is expected to keep on increasing as the team and supporters grow larger and stronger.
With the Paws of Vadodara, there has definitely been a positive shift in perception, and it has increased awareness in people as well. While people still might not go to the extent of rescuing and adopting stray dogs, but more people are coming forward to look out for canines and co-existing with them peacefully. The immediate mission of Paws of Vadodara is instilling a sense of compassion in our society, towards our canine companions.
Members play a huge role in everything that we do. Without volunteers, we are nothing. Just an hour of service dedicated by you towards the cause can help change the lives of so many innocent animals. We whole – heartedly appreciate those who come forward to dedicate their time for this initiative.
We feed 125 – 250 dogs every night, and there are so many more in our city that need to be fed. You can play a very crucial role in helping change the lives of these animals by offering your support to our mission to feed them. Every donation can go a long way, and perhaps there will come a day that none of our canine friends would need to scavenge for a meal. Donate for the cause – Big or Small – it’s the thought that really counts.